Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The bridge to Lidingö

Dear L,

I like this picture.  This is the bridge from Stockholm to Lidingö, as seen from Lidingö.  Pedestrians and the Lidingöbanan (local tram) cross on the lower, snow-covered bridge.  Cars cross on the upper bridge (which splits as it gets to the island).  Notice that the sea is starting to freeze over!  Speaking of trams:

An oncoming Lidingöbana!  Causeway for cars is on the right.

I found a paper heart on the railing.

Jag älskar total ärlighet (I love total honesty), it said.

A snowy abandoned dock behind a bridge support.

I miss you.



  1. There's a TRAM??
    Like a Tokyo toden?

  2. Hahaha "The Tokyo Toden is the streetcar network operated by the Bureau of Transportation Tokyo Metropolitan Government. With its nickname, "Toden," it has been rampantly used."

    Those crazy Japanese, being all rampant on their trams.

  3. Pretty similar! The Lidingöbanan doesn't drive on the road though, stays on its track.
