Sunday, June 27, 2010

Be'ore and A'ter

Dear L,

I miss you.

We did have a healthy amount o' wine in Ticino (one o' my keys has been acting up ever since a rowdy game o' Jeopardy a couple o' nights ago out in the Stockholm archipelago ending with spilling some water). Which was nice. As were the lakes and mountains, 'ood and language, but they were so romantic I started to get a little bitter that you weren't there to share them with me! I'd see couples walking down the street and grumble to mysel'...

That's hilarious about the nasal sprays! Especially so because we just watched Crank in Luzern, a movie about a guy who has to keep his adrenaline high in order to stay alive (he's been injected with a rare Chinese poison). In his search 'or a rush, the stoner minimum wager he meets at the pharmacy recommends one o' his personal 'avorite highs, nasal spray, since it contains epinephrine (adrenaline).

So you didn't really respond to a single one o' my questions. But maybe I misunderstand the joint blogging concept - is asking each other questions taboo? Should it be more o' a sharing about ourselves thing?

No pictures 'rom Blidö and Swedish midsommar yet, so I'll hold back on that story 'or a little while. But I did get Switzerland pics 'rom A, S, and Dad! Here's a pair taken during our hike up Pilatus:


A'ter. Must have lost B about a mile short o' the summit.

Lots o' love,

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