Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hello Kitty

Dear D,

We play with the kids after school most days. Usually it's puzzles, hopscotch, twister, soccer, etc. But lately we've been photocopying pages out of a Hello Kitty coloring book too and creating a coloring corner. I didn't expect the kids to be so excited about it though. It's like Pokemon cards to them and they all want at least one of each kind we bring out! Kids have even been lying and stealing from each other to get their hands on them!! When actual coloring happens though the results are pretty fun!



  1. hahaha lying! cheating! stealing! what fun!!!

    seriously though nice job kids.

    interesting that not one colored the grass/general ground. i wonder what it means...

    how old are these kids?

  2. maybe there are so many insects/snakes/gecko carcasses/cats/spiders on standard thai ground that the kids decided not to be bothered with it
